K.L.E Society's



Anti-Ragging Policy

As per University Grants Commission guidelines on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institution 2009, the following mechanisms are established to ensure a ragging-free campus:

  • Wide dissemination of anti-ragging policy and warning through admission advertisements, prospectus and other information booklets.
  • Obtaining signed undertaking from students and parents against ragging.
  • Assurance by head of institution/departments to the freshers and parents about full protection and support against any attempts of ragging by seniors.
  • Constitution of an anti-ragging committee and anti-ragging squad, as well as watch and ward arrangements to identify vulnerable locations and to keep a constant vigil and watch at such locations.
  • Regular interaction and counseling with the students to detect early signs of ragging and identify trouble-triggers.
  • Surprise inspection at hostels, students accommodation, canteens, ladies rooms, etc for preventing/quelling ragging and any uncalled for behaviour/incident.
  • Installation of CCTV cameras at vital points.
  • Offering orientation, mentoring and professional counseling to freshers to prepare them for the socio-academic life ahead.
  • Updated information on the college website with the complete address and contact details of nodal officers related to anti-ragging committee.

The Anti-Ragging

Committee is constituted with the following members:

  • Principal as a Chairman
  • Senior Faculty as Staff advisor
  • SWO
  • Counselor
  • Administrative Staff
  • Advocate
  • Alumni
  • Community Representatives
  • Convenor
  • Faculty Representatives
  • First year Student Representatives

Rules of Disciplines

  • The Student shall observe proper the dress code as per the norms.
  • The college campus is pollution free and smoking, chewing pan, eating gutkha, use of addictive substances is prohibited.
  • Wearing identity card badges is mandatory. The same need to be produced whenever demanded by the authorities of the college.
  • Loitering in the college campus without any reason is prohibited.
  • Outsiders are not allowed to enter the college campus. Our students encouraging such persons shall be viewed seriously.
  • Driving vehicles/automobiles in the college campus is strictly prohibited.
  • Disfiguring of compound walls, class rooms, black boards, plant on the garden, furniture and the infrastructure is liable for penalty/punishment.
  • Disciplined behavior with classmates, college mates, teachers, office staff, library staff and Security personnel is highly appreciated.
  • Students who remain absent without valid reason from the regular classes, tests, exams etc. are liable for serious action including expulsion from the college.

Discipline Committee is constituted with the following members:

  • Principal as a Chairman
  • One faculty as a Convenor
  • Staff Secretary
  • Staff Representative
  • Two faculty as members
  • Two final year students
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