K.L.E Society's



Event Gallery

A workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)” was conducted by Institute Innovation Council IIC of KLE’s Lingaraj College Belagavi on 30th May 2022 in the college seminar hall by the resource person Prof. P S Kamble, Shivaji University Kolhapur. The objective of the workshop was to create awareness of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) among students and provide them the basic knowledge of Intellectual Property Rights in India compared to other countries in the world in terms of patents, copyright, trade mark, geographical indications etc. Around 60 students participated in the workshop.

A seminar on “Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and It’s Protection in India” was conducted by IIC of KLE’s Lingaraj College Belagavi on 7th June 2022 in the college central hall. Resource Person Dr. Sharana Gouda, Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs and Head, Biotechnology Group, Patent Office, Chennai (Govt. of India) trained students on Intellectual Property such as Patents, Designs, Trade Marks, Geographical Indications (GI), Copyrights and Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Designs (SICLD).

A seminar on "Social Entrepreneurship" was organised by IIC of KLE's Lingaraj College, Belagavi on 18th June 2022 in the college central hall by the resource person Advocate Smt. Safiena Joseph, President, Naari Shakti Women Welfare Charitable Trust, Belagavi, created awareness on social entrepreneurship and scope for women entrepreneurs.

A exhibition on "Indian Snacks" was organised by IIC KLE'S Lingaraj College, Belagavi in Collaboration with Naari Shakti Women Welfare Charitable Trust Belagavi on 18th June 2022 at 12.pm in the college campus.

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